Tuesday 29 January 2013

Enough of that funny business young lady, and get back to work.

Sometimes, you just need a laugh. Maybe you're having one of those days when you've got your cranky pants on, but you're self aware enough to know that you just need to change your focus, and you can turn your day around. It's times like these I turn to YouTube. I have a couple of favourite videos that I go back to again and again that I thought I'd share. These videos still make me laugh so hard I cry, or if I'm watching at work and trying not to be too obvious, do that silent laughing that has the potential to make water come out my nose (I know, right? Subtle).

I'm putting these up on a Tuesday because, in my opinion, Tuesday is the worst day of the week. Monday is okay because you're all refreshed from the weekend, Wednesday is hump day, Thursday is the day before Friday, and Friday is well, Friday. Tuesday is nothing. It's the a#$ end of the week (pardon my language...somewhere my Dad is shaking is head and making comments about "13 years of high school...seven years of university...") So hopefully, these will make your Tuesday a little more entertaining. Today is the day after a public holiday here in Australia - going back to work is just that much more painful after a three day weekend!


It's the laughing in the background in this one - gets me every time!


(not Codfish Joe).

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